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Install Windows Sdk 6.0A: What You Need to Know


Since we are trying to do this over the network is there another solution other than to reinstall? For instance just launching the SDK executable separately if there is a separate installer for this?

Install Windows Sdk 6.0A

As mentioned in this thread, the Visual Studio 2008 installer sometimes silently fails to create the Include and Lib directories that are supposed to be created in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\.

Does anybody know of a hotfix for the installer, or a reliable way to get the installation to succeed? I am installing on a Win7/64 machine that already has VS2005 and VS2010 installed. Uninstalling and reinstalling VS2008 itself does not work, nor does repairing the installation after it's created. Can I avoid wiping the machine and starting over?

Windows SDK allows the user to specify the components to be installed and where to install them. It integrates with Visual Studio, so that multiple copies of the components that both have are not installed; however, there are compatibility caveats if either of the two is not from the same era.[4][5] Information shown can be filtered by content, such as showing only new Windows Vista content, only .NET Framework content, or showing content for a specific language or technology.

Both 32-bit and 64-bit builds are possible with the Microsoft Compiler suite. 32-bit PostgreSQL builds are possible with Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2017 (including Express editions), as well as standalone Windows SDK releases 6.0 to 8.1. 64-bit PostgreSQL builds are supported with Microsoft Windows SDK version 6.0a to 8.1 or Visual Studio 2008 and above. Compilation is supported down to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 when building with Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2013. Building with Visual Studio 2015 is supported down to Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Building with Visual Studio 2017 is supported down to Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.

Before you build, you may need to edit the file to reflect any configuration options you want to change, or the paths to any third party libraries to use. The complete configuration is determined by first reading and parsing the file, and then apply any changes from For example, to specify the location of your Python installation, put the following in

You must always include the Windows Headers and Libraries part of the SDK. If you install a Windows SDK including the Visual C++ Compilers, you don't need Visual Studio to build. Note that as of Version 8.0a the Windows SDK no longer ships with a complete command-line build environment.

You will need to add the directory containing flex.exe and bison.exe to the PATH environment variable in unless they are already in PATH. In the case of MinGW, the directory is the \msys\1.0\bin subdirectory of your MinGW installation directory.

The Bison distribution from GnuWin32 appears to have a bug that causes Bison to malfunction when installed in a directory with spaces in the name, such as the default location on English installations C:\Program Files\GnuWin32. Consider installing into C:\GnuWin32 or use the NTFS short name path to GnuWin32 in your PATH environment setting (e.g. C:\PROGRA1\GnuWin32).

Most of the time, the automatic dependency tracking in Visual Studio will handle changed files. But if there have been large changes, you may need to clean the installation. To do this, simply run the clean.bat command, which will automatically clean out all generated files. You can also run it with the dist parameter, in which case it will behave like make distclean and remove the flex/bison output files as well.

By default, all files are written into a subdirectory of the debug or release directories. To install these files using the standard layout, and also generate the files required to initialize and use the database, run the command:

As of this writing, IPC::Run is not included in the ActiveState Perl installation, nor in the ActiveState Perl Package Manager (PPM) library. To install, download the IPC-Run-.tar.gz source archive from CPAN, at -Run/, and uncompress. Edit the file, and add a PERL5LIB variable to point to the lib subdirectory from the extracted archive. For example:

I've found my old test PC with Visual Studio 2019 Pro 16.11.5 and now it also produces hard error (not warning). This PC has .NET 5.0 SDK 5.0.402 and recently I've updated .NET 6 SDK to version 6.0.300 (runtime version is 6.0.5). So maybe described workaround depends on .NET 6 SDK version - you may try some very first versions. Or may be installing one of the latest .NET 6 SDK intself transforms warning to a hard error - cannot test it because I don't have clean PC nearby :(

If I set net6.0-windows in in .csproj, it does not work on my 2019 version : I get ErrorNETSDK1045The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 6.0. Either target .NET 5.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 6.0.

To start developing or debugging, you should load visuald_vs10.slnin Visual Studio with Visual D installed.The preferred configuration to use is "Debug COFF32Win32". This chooses buildingwith the Microsoft runtime libraries. As Visual Studio is a 32-bit process, an extensionhas to be built for that platform, too.Build the "build" project at least onceto build the necessary prerequisites and tools, e.g. D translations fromthe Windows and Visual Studio SDK.

The standard build procedure for the release version is to execute"nmake install_vs" in the trunk directory. Please check the variable settings at thetop of the Makefile and adjust them to the installation directories on your system.

.NET 6.0 servicing updates are upgrades. The latest servicing update for 6.0 will remove the previous 6.0 update upon successful installation. For example, when .NET 6.0.1 is installed .NET 6.0 version will be removed from the computer if present.

First of all, you can use the .NET Uninstall Tool to automatically delete the SDK and runtime you want. But as the doc says, sometimes it's not perfect deleting. Therefore, at the end of the day, you might want to delete each directory manually.

I guess this is the most crucial part. From time to time, after the manual SDK/runtime deleting is done, the remaining .NET SDKs and runtimes won't work. If it happens to you, then you should reinstall the existing .NET SDKs and runtimes. For example, if you delete .NET 6 SDK and runtime, then suddenly .NET Core 2.1 and 3.1, and .NET 5 start complaining, you should reinstall the latest release of each .NET SDKs and runtimes. To get the old release, visit this download page, download the corresponding version of your choice and install them.

In this exercise we will configure a configuration file for diagnostics. When you install VS2008, you get the Windows SDK 6.0A installed. This includes a "Service Configuration Editor" to edit the configuration for diagnostics and a "Service Trace Viewer" for tracing as below: Task 1: Start the Service Configuration Editor and open the "App.Config" file of the host application. Task 2: Select Messaging Logging from the Diagnostic, and from the "General" set "LogEntireMessage" to "True" as below:Task 3: Select "Diagnostic" from the "Configuration" Pane and from the "Disgnostic" panel, enable "Log Auto Flush", enable "Message Logging", enable Tracing to "Information" as below:Task 4: Expand "Listeners" from the "Configuration", you will have "ServiceModelTraceListener" and "ServiceModelMessageLoggingListener" files generated. You will find "App_TraceLog.svclog" and "App_Message.svclog" as below:

The WixNetfxExtension also includes a set of properties that can be used to detect the presence of various versions of the .NET Framework, the .NET Framework SDK and the Windows SDK. For information on how to use these properties to verify the user's .NET Framework version at install time see How To: Check for .NET Framework Versions.

The following properties (available starting in WiX v3.10) let you detect a particular minimum version of .NET Framework 4.X releases that are in-place updates (rather than that are installed side-by-side with other releases):

For detailed instructions on installing Sage ERP Accpac, see the Sage ERP Accpac Installation and System Administrator's Guide.Note that Version 6.0A installs components that support the deployment of the new Sage ERP Accpac Portal. The installation program installs Java 6 Runtime Environment and Sage Accpac Tomcat 6.0 silently. (Tomcat is installed as a private instance in your Program Files folder under \Common Files\Sage\Sage Accpac\Tomcat6.)

.NET (pronounced DOTNET ) is the most widely used software development platform to create and run programs for Windows. With .NET, Microsoft has not only created a consistent successor to the previous jumble of software development platforms for Windows, but also a real alternative to Java. Here we learn the commands to download and install .Net Core and Runtime on Debian 11 Bullseye.

Note: The installation path will be /home/$USER/.dotnet. The $USER is the one you used to run the above-given script. Also, you can add this path to your system variable to globally access the dotnet command line.

1997W3X.PDF Windows 3.x Application Notes from MS Technet March 1997 3C527.EXE 3Com Etherlink/MC 32 Ethernet 3C770.EXE Net 3Com 3C77x FDDI EISA 1.16 810CQA.EXE MSJ 10: C/C++ Q & A 810WINQA.EXE MSJ 10: Windows Q & A 811CQA.EXE MSJ November 93: C/C++ Q & A 811WINQA.EXE MSJ November 93: Windows Q & A 812WINQA.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '93 812winqa.exe 82595.EXE Intel PCLA82xx Ethernet Adapter 88DOSQA.EXE MSJ: DOS Q & A 88WINQA.EXE MSJ Windows Q&A 88winqa.exe 91WINQA.EXE Windows Q & A 92W32QA.EXE MSJ: Win32 Q & A 92WINQA.EXE MSJ: Windows Q & A 93CQA.EXE MSJ: C/C++ Q&A 93WINQA.EXE MSJ: Windows Q&A 94W32QA.EXE MSJ: Win32 Q & A 94WINQA.EXE MSJ: Windows Q & A 95CQA.EXE MSJ: C/C++ Q & A 95DOSQA.EXE MSJ: MS-DOS Q & A 95WINQA.EXE MSJ: Windows Q & A 96CQA.EXE MSJ 6 C/C++ Q & A 96W32QA.EXE MSJ 6 Win32 Q & A 97CQA.EXE MSJ 7 C/C++ Q & A 97DOSQA.EXE MSJ 7 MS-DOS Q & A 97WINQA.EXE MSJ 7 Windows Q & A ADDMENU.EXE Make Pop-up Menu Dynamically at R.T. ADI.EXE Supplemental AutoCAD (ADI) Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a ADMENU.EXE Adding Options to System Menus AFXVBX.EXE Using VBX Controls in _AFXDLL Dialog ALCKEY.EXE ALCKEY Sample Application ALERTS.EXE Use OS/2 LAN Manager Alerts ALPHSORT.EXE Sort Order of lstrcmp and lstrcmpi AMD.EXE SCSI AMD PCNet/SCSI Embedded 1.95 AMI48.EXE SCSI AMI Series48 EISA 1.03 ANDTOK.EXE Net Andrew IIA TR ISA 1.02 ANIMATE.EXE Palette Animation in Windows ANNOPRNT.EXE Ink Annotation and Printing Sample ANNOTATE.EXE ANNOTATE Sample Application APPEXEC.EXE Windows Apps Launching Windows Apps APPS.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File ARNIE.EXE Spawn an Application and Wait ART35.EXE NT Video Artist Graphics ISA 1.5 ARTPAD.EXE Wacom ArtPad Tablet 1.0 ARTZ-PAD.EXE Wacom ArtZ/ArtPad Tablets 1.0 ASMCLOCK.EXE MASM 6.0 Windows Programming Sample ASP.EXE SCSI ASP ABP-842 VLB 3.10 ATINT.EXE Video ATI GraphWonderXL24 ISA 3.50 AUTOCTRL.EXE OLE Automation Controller Sample AUTODLL.EXE OLE Automation Inproc Object Sample AVGA.EXE Video Compaq AVGA EISA 3.50 AVISAMPL.EXE Sample AVIs: WNDSURF1 and SAMPLE AVIWIN.EXE Multiple AVI and MCI_PUT Usage Demo BB0345.EXE Link BASIC 7.1 w/C, FORTRAN, Pascal BB0364.EXE BASIC PDS 7.10 Quick INSTALL.EXE BCOS2API.EXE API Function Calls for OS/2 Queues BCOS2QUE.EXE BASIC Demonstration of OS/2 Queues BCPICSAV.EXE PICEM Example, Four Plane BLOAD/BSAVE BDLG.EXE Draw a Bitmap in an MFC Dialog BIGBIT.EXE Using High Color Resolution Devices BIT2MONO.EXE Convert Color Bitmaps to Monochrome BKGND.EXE Background Processing Sample Code BLINK.EXE Use SetTimer to Make Flashing Chars BLOCKOUT.EXE Minidriver Sample Code BLOCKS.EXE Graphical Objects and MFC Sample BMUTIL.EXE Bitmap Manipulation Techniques Demo BNDREAD.EXE VB Code Sample: Bound Read-Only Text BOOTSEC.EXE SAMPLE: Reading Boot Sector of Drive BOUNCE.EXE Bouncing Ball DDEML Demo App BOUNCET.EXE DDE Management Library Article Text BROWSE.EXE Microsoft C/C++ Browser Toolkit for Visual C++ BSC32.EXE Microsoft C/C++ Browser Toolkit for Visual C++ BTNBAR.EXE Button Bar Sample Code BTR110.EXE FILE: BTR110.EXE: Updated Btrieve ISAM Driver BTR200.EXE FILE: BTR200.EXE: Updated Btrieve Driver File BTTNCUR.EXE Buttons and Cursors Information CALLB.EXE Handling Callbacks w/ Member Functio CDDEML.EXE Sample: DDEML Using MFC CDR.EXE Supplemental Corel DRAW 3.0 Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a CHG26A.TXT FoxPro 2.6a Patch File CHGACCL.EXE Change Accelerator Tables CHICTIPS.EXE MSJ: Prepare Apps for Chicago CHILDMNU.EXE Creating Child Window with Menus CIRRUS.EXE Video DEC 5422 Embedded 3.50 CK.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File CKSAMP.EXE CKSAMPLE.APP Source Code CLIENT.EXE OLE Client Implementation Guide 1.02 CMD600.EXE SCSI CMD CSA-6000F EISA 1.1 COLLECT.EXE OLE Automation Collection Sample COMLYR.EXE HOWTO: Obtain/Distribute the Compatibility Layer in VB 3.0 CONTROL2.EXE MSJ Source: Aug '94 control2.exe CONTROLS.EXE MSJ Source: Feb. '95 CONTROLS.EXE COPYTEST.EXE Windows Code Module to Copy a File CP0982.EXE CP0982: MICROSOFT SETUP TOOLKIT FOR VISUAL C++ CPPQ&A.EXE MSJ Source: Aug. 1994 cppq&a.exe CPPQ0295.EXE MSJ Source: Feb. '95 CPPQ0295.EXE CPPQ1094.EXE MSJ Source: Oct. 1994 cppq1094.exe CPPQ1194.EXE MSJ Source: Nov. 1994 cppq1194.exe CPQ&A894.EXE MSJ Sept '94 cpq&a894.exe CPQ-QV.EXE Video Compaq QVision EISA 1.10 CPQ200.EXE Video Compaq QVision2000 PCI 2.00 CQA.EXE MSJ: C/C++ Q & A CQA1294.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '94 CQA1294.EXE CST_NT3X.EXE Customizing Windows NT 3.x for Individuals CST_W30.EXE Customizing Windows 3.0 for Individuals with Disabilities CST_W3X.EXE Customizing Windows 3.1x for Individuals with Disabilities CST_WG3X.EXE Customizing Windows for Workgroups 3.1x for Individuals with Disabilities CTE21.EXE Net Cabletron CTE21 ETH ISA 1.00.06 CTF30.EXE Net Cabletron F30XX FDDI MCA 1.00.06 CTF70.EXE Net Cabletron F70XX FDDI EISA 1.00.06 CTL3D.EXE Adding 3-D Appearance to Controls CTT20.EXE Net Cabletron T20XX TR ISA 1.00.03 CTT30.EXE WINNT Cabletron T30XX Token Ring DNI CUBES.EXE MSJ Source: Nov. 1994 cubes.exe CUSTCONT.EXE Sample Code for Custom Control CWHEEL.EXE Color Wheel Palette Management Demo DATAINDX.EXE DOC: Data Access Guide Index in VB 3.0 DATAMGR.EXE FILE: Source Code for the Visual Basic Data Manager DATAVAL.EXE Validate Contents of Edit Control DB-XL.EXE VB Code Sample: from DB to Excel DBHLPD.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File DBHLPW.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File DBLCONV.EXE MS-DOS DoubleSpace Conversion Kit DBMENU.EXE Dialog Box Menus DDCON.EXE Corrected SourceSafe DDCONV.EXE File DDE.EXE Windows Dynamic Data Exchange Sample DDEEXEC.EXE DDEEXEC Sample and Technical Article DDEMETA.EXE Use DDEML to Pass Windows Metafiles DDESERV.EXE DDESERV Sample Program DDEXL.EXE DDE with Microsoft Excel Sample Code DDLIST.EXE DDLIST.RTF - Technical Article DDREC.EXE Direct-to-Disk Recorder with ACM DE300A.EXE Net: DEC DE300 FDDI EISA for ALPHA v1.50 DE435.EXE Net DEC DE435 ETH PCI 6.0 DECODE16.EXE SAMPLE: DECODE16: OLE Error Code Decoder Tool DEFBTN.EXE Change the Status of a Push Button DELTEST.EXE Windows Code Module to Delete Files DEVMODE.EXE Bring Up Current Printer Dialog Box DIAG.EXE MSJ Source: March 1993 diag.exe DIAL.EXE Dialing a Modem in Windows 3.1 DIBS2.EXE DIBs and Their Uses DISPDIB.EXE DisplayDib Function Executable Code DLGCBR.EXE SAMPLE: Adds Control Bar to MFC Dialog DLGDB.EXE SAMPLE: DLGDB CDialog Shares CRecordset Object DLGHLP.EXE Context Sensitive Help in Dialog Box DLGICONS.EXE Dynamically Change Icon in Modal Dlg DLGMAIN.EXE Modeless Dialog as Main Window DLGPATCH.EXE Patch for Windows 3.0 Dialog Editor DLGS.EXE Dialog Type Interactions Sample DLGSKB.EXE Knowledge Base for Windows SDK DLGTAB.EXE Tabbing in a Dialog Box DLLFLOAT.EXE DLLFLOAT Sample Application DLLINST.EXE Track Which Instance is Calling a DLL DLLSKEL.EXE DLLSKEL Sample Application DLLSTRT2.EXE Designing DLLs for Mult Client Apps DOS62SP.EXE MS-DOS 6.2 Supplemental Disk Util. DOS6SUPP.EXE MS-DOS 6.0 Supplemental Files DOSQ1194.EXE MSJ Source: Nov. 1994 dosq1194.exe DOSQA87.EXE MSJ Source: July 1993 dosqa87.exe DPMI0301.EXE Simulate Real Mode Interrupts Sample DR0498.EXE MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions 2.2 Information Pack DRAGBMP.EXE DRAGBMP Sample Application DRAGRECT.EXE Dragging a Frame Rectangle DRGDRPS.EXE SAMPLE: DRGDRPS: OLE Drag-Drop Source DRGDRPT.EXE SAMPLE: DRGDRPT: OLE Drag-Drop Target DRIVER.EXE Files Needed to Use Printer Drivers DROPSHAD.EXE Draw Custom Border Around Control DSPWRT.EXE Supplemental DisplayWrite Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a DUMPDESC.EXE Accessing .EXE File Header Info DW0077.EXE DW0077: Updated Screen and Keyboard Drivers DW0208.EXE Replacement .DAT files for IBM XL24, 4019 to Solve Hang in Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW0580.EXE Additional Epson Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Versions 5.5, 6.0 DW0892.EXE How to Switch to Bright White Text in Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6AC0.EXE Supplemental Acer Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6AE0.EXE Supplemental AEG Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6AL0.EXE Supplemental Alps Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6AN0.EXE Supplemental Anadex Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6AP0.EXE Supplemental Apple Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6AS0.EXE Supplemental AST Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6BR0.EXE Supplemental Brothers Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6BU0.EXE Supplemental Businessland Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6CA0.EXE Supplemental Canon Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6CI0.EXE Supplemental C. Itoh Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6CO0.EXE Supplemental Cordata Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6CQ0.EXE Supplemental Compaq Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6CZ0.EXE Supplemental Citizen Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6DE0.EXE Supplemental DEC LN03 Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6DI0.EXE Supplemental Diablo Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6EP0.EXE Supplemental Epson Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6FU0.EXE Supplemental Fujitsu Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6GE0.EXE Supplemental Generic Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6HP0.EXE Supplemental Hewlett-Packard Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6HP1.EXE Supplemental Hewlett-Packard Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6HP2.EXE Supplemental Hewlett-Packard Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6HP3.EXE Supplemental Hewlett-Packard Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6HP4.EXE Supplemental Hewlett-Packard Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6IB0.EXE Supplemental IBM Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6KO0.EXE Supplemental Kodak Diconix Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6KY0.EXE Supplemental Kyocera Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6MT0.EXE Supplemental Mannesmann Tally Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6NC0.EXE Supplemental NCR Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6NE0.EXE Supplemental NEC Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6OK0.EXE Supplemental Okidata Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6OL0.EXE Supplemental Olivetti Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6PA0.EXE Supplemental Panasonic Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6PS0.EXE Supplemental PostScript Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6QD0.EXE Supplemental Quadram Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6QM0.EXE Supplemental QMS Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6QU0.EXE Supplemental Qume Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6RI0.EXE Supplemental Ricoh Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6SE0.EXE Supplemental Seikosha Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6SI0.EXE Supplemental Silver Reed Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6ST0.EXE Supplemental Star Printer Drivers for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6TA0.EXE Supplemental Tandy Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6TI0.EXE Supplemental Texas Instruments Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6TO0.EXE Supplemental Toshiba Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6UN0.EXE Supplemental Unisys Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DW6XE0.EXE Supplemental Xerox Printer Support for Microsoft Word for MS-DOS, Version 6.0 DXF.EXE Supplemental AutoCAD (DXF) Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a DYNACCEL.EXE Dynamic Accelerator Table Source DYNBEDIT.EXE DYNBEDIT Sample Application DYNDLG.EXE MSJ: Dynamic Dialog Boxes DYNDLL.EXE Dynamic Link to DLL By Using a Class ECOVRWRT.EXE Edit Control Overwrite Mode EDALIGN.EXE Change Text Alignmnet in Edit Contro EDITCNT.EXE Determine Line Number in Edit Ctrl EDTINFO.EXE Retrieving Text Box Status EE16NT.EXE Net Intel EE16 ETH ISA 3.50 ELNK16.EXE 3Com EtherLink 16 ethernet Drivers for Windows for Workgroups EMM622.EXE Updated Emm386.exe & Msd.exe for MS-DOS 6.0, 6.2 ENC97FIX.EXE Encarta/IntelliPoint Patch for Windows 3.x ENUMPORT.EXE Enumerate COM Ports in Enhanced Mode EPRONT.EXE Net Intel EEPRO ETH ISA 1.13 ERRADDR.EXE Finding Error's Module Name & Addr EVENTS.EXE MSJ 10: Using Events EX2501.EXE WNTDL: Exabyte 2501 SCSI Tape Driver EXEFMT.EXE Executable-File Header Format EXEVIEW.EXE Resource Extraction Sample Code EXPAND.EXE How to Make a Dialog Box Expand EXPEDIT.EXE Dynamically Change Edit Control Size EXTDEV2.EXE ExtDeviceMode() and Printer Settings EZPRINT.EXE EZPRINT Sample and Technical Article F1CDHELP.EXE Help Access Sample Code FASTBLT.EXE Demonstrates Smooth Movement of a Bi FB386PRT.EXE FoxBASE+/386 Printing Patch File FBPRNTSP.EXE Closing the FoxBASE+ Print Spooler FCSVAL.EXE Control-by-Control Validation in MFC FILEASSO.EXE SAMPLE: How to Use File Associations FILEEDIT.EXE FILEEDIT - Sample Application FINDPRT.EXE VB Code Sample: FindFirst on Strings FIXDICON.EXE Fixed Icon Position Sample Code FIXFRE.EXE Tool Fixes Database Errors Reported by ANALYZE FIXPROJ.EXE FIXPRJ Fixes Project Errors for SourceSafe FK0818.EXE Corrected Version of SetupWizard FL32NT.EXE NT Net Intel Flash32 ETH EISA 1.5 FLICKER.EXE FLICKER Sample and Technical Article FLIP.EXE BitBlt and StretchBlt Animation Demo FLSHEDIT.EXE Flashing an Edit Control FOCUSPRB.EXE VB Code Sample: Tracking Controls FONTEST.EXE Windows SDK FONTEST Corrections FONTFMT.EXE Font-File Format FONTUTIL.EXE FONTUTIL Sample and Technical Articl FORMAT12.EXE Format Disk w/ INT 21H, IOCTL 440DH FORMEDIT.EXE Implementing Sizable Form Fields FOXAPP.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File FOXCEN.EXE FoxCentral Update FOXSWAP.EXE The FoxSwap Utility FP0660.EXE Updated Microsoft FoxDoc File FP0779.EXE FP0779.EXE: ISDISKIN Utility FP1023.EXE Intro to Using FoxPro for MS-DOS Wizards FPD.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File FPD_DK.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File FPSNTU01.EXE FORTRAN PowerStation 32 Update for Win NT 3.5 FPSQLCS.EXE FoxPro Client-Server Architecture FPW.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File FPW_DK.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File FPWHLP.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File FRAMEWRK.EXE Modified Framework Sample FRCAN60A.EXE Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0a Patch: Frangais/Canadien FS500A.EXE Flight Simulator 5.0a Update FS500A.TXT Changes to Flight Simulator 5.0a (Text File) FW0844.EXE FoxDoc Default Template Files FW1003.EXE FoxPro for Windows Resource Kit FW1022.EXE Using FoxPro for Windows Wizards FW1040.EXE Database Design (Relational) GA0363.EXE Microsoft Diagnostics Utility (MSD) GADGET1.EXE MSJ 7 Chicago's Interface Gadgets GC0651.EXE GC0651: MS(R) LineDraw (TrueType[TM]) Font GDIRSRCS.EXE Resource Conversion Sample Code GE1031.EXE ClipArt: Updated ClipArt Gallery for Microsoft Office 4.0, 4.2, and 4.3 GEDIT.EXE CEdit Derived Uses Global Heap GENERIC.EXE FILE: GENERIC Sample Not Provided with Visual Basic 3.0 GENPD.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File GENS.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File GENTHUNK.EXE MSJ 6 WOW Layer & Generic Thunk GETVER.EXE PRB: Check Version of Driver Manager GLBEDIT.EXE Edit Control Can Use Global Buffer GLOSS.EXE Supplemental Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Glossary Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Version GLYPH.EXE GLYPH Sample and Technical Article GRIDFIX.EXE Sample Fixes GRID Scrolling GTHUNKS.EXE Generic Thunk Demonstration HANDLCNT.EXE Increase File Handlee Limit HANDLER.EXE Sample Interrupt Service Routine HC505.EXE Latest Version of 3.1 Help Compiler HD1008.EXE Programming the Mouse Under MS-DOS HF0221.EXE FORTRAN EXEC Function for 4.x, 5.x HF0304.EXE Increasing the Number of File Handles HF0405.EXE Calling DOS/BIOS Interrupts w/ FORTRAN/MASM HF0450.EXE Options to Terminate QuickWin Program HF0451.EXE Patch, FORTRAN 5.1 I/O Memory Leak HF0483.EXE FORTRAN 5.1 Setup Batch Files HF0484.EXE Patch: Mix Language Windows Programs HF1047.EXE Using FORTRAN 5.1 with Visual Basic HIDAPP.EXE HIDAPP Sample HIERLIST.EXE HIERLIST Sample and Technical Articl HLPGLOSS.EXE Help Glossary Button Sample HMAKE100.EXE HELPMAKE for QuickBASIC 4.50 HOOK5A.EXE TSR to Create Temporary Files HOOKALL.EXE Sample Code Demonstrates Win Hooks HOOKALL2.EXE Hook Function Sample Code HOTKEYED.EXE Shortcut-Key Edit Control HP4V_AXP.EXE Printer HP 4V/4MV ALPHA 1.0 (NT3.5) HP4VI386.EXE Printer HP 4V/4MV X86 1.0 (NT3.5) HP4VMIPS.EXE Printer HP 4V/4MV MIPS 1.0 (NT3.5) HPCLIP.EXE GETSCALINGFACTOR & Clipping Region HPCLJAXP.EXE Printer HP Color LJ 1.0 ALPHA (NT3.5) HPCLJI38.EXE Printer HP Color LJ 1.0 X86 (NT3.5) HPCLJMIP.EXE Printer HP Color LJ 1.0 MIPS (NT3.5) HPGL.EXE Supplemental Hewlett-Packard Graphics Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0 HPISA.EXE Net HP Ethertwist ETH ISA 3.11 HPMCA.EXE Net HP Ethertwist ETH MCA 3.10 HPMON.EXE Windows NT 3.1 Update for HPMON.DLL HPVGE.EXE Net HP 100VG ETH EISA 3.10 HPVGI.EXE Net HP 100VG ETH ISA 3.10 IBM32.EXE Net IBM LANStreamer TR MCA 1.30 IBMRAD.EXE SCSI IBMRAID MCA 3.10 IBMTOKR.EXE Updated IBMTOK.DOS Corrects Error 5736 ICONLIB.EXE Using Libraries to Share Icons, Menu INIHEADR.EXE Read Section Headers from .INI File INJLIB.EXE MSJ: Load 32-Bit DLL Using INJLIB INK2H.EXE Passing Ink Between Hedit Controls INOLE2.EXE Updated Sources for Inside OLE 2 INTER2.EXE MSJ 7 Internationalization in NT INTLAPPS.EXE Writing International Apps for Win31 IOPORT.EXE Port Trapping in Windows 3.0/3.1 IRMANT.EXE Net DCA IRMAtrac TR ISA/MCA 4.0c ISCDROM.EXE ISCDROM - Sample Application ISDIALOG.EXE Window Simulates a Dialog Box JETWP.EXE ACC2: Jet Database Engine Version 2.0 White Paper JIGSAW.EXE GDI Region, Clipping, and Bmp Fnctns JOURNAL.EXE Demo Source Code for Windows Journal KBHOOK.EXE Sample Code for a Keyboard Filter KBHOOK2.EXE Windows 3.1 Keyboard Hook Code KWIKZONE.EXE File I/O in Visual Basic LARGEAPP.EXE Large-Model Extra Data Segment LBCHANGE.EXE Simulate List Box Style Change LBOXSBAR.EXE Controlling Horizontal Bar on List B LIPOSUCT.EXE MSJ Source: July 1993 liposuct.exe LISTDLG.EXE Creating a List Box of Dialog Boxes LISTHORZ.EXE List Box w/ Horizontal Scroll Bar LISTHSCR.EXE Sources for DLL List Box Support Fun LM22B.EXE Microsoft LAN Manager 2.2b Patch LNK100.EXE Updated 32 Bit Linker for Windows NT 3.5 LNK562.EXE Updated 16 Bit Linker for Windows NT 3.5 LOADPROF.EXE MSJ Sept '94 loadprof.exe LONGNAME.EXE MSJ Source: Aug '94 longname.exe LSTDDX.EXE Listboxes & DDX Sample LSTGRID.EXE VB Code Sample: from List to Grid LZFILE.EXE File Decompression Sample Code MACROHLP.EXE Help Macros Demonstration File MADGNT.EXE Net Madge Ringnode TR Family 1.02.02 MAIL32AC.EXE Mail for PC Networks 3.2a Client Update MAIL32AM.EXE Mail for PC Networks 3.2a Macintosh Client Upd MAIL32AS.EXE Mail for PC Networks 3.2a Server Update MAILKBI.EXE Full-Text Search for KB Help Files MAILMERG.EXE SAMPLE: Visual Basic Mail Merge Through OLE Automation MASMWIN.EXE Sample Windows Program in MASM MATROX.EXE Video Matrox MGA-PCI PCI 2.01 MAZE.EXE MSJ Nov '87: Interprogram Communications Using Windows' Dynamic Data Exchange MBF2IEEE.EXE FILE: VB3PRB: Convert MBF to IEEE in Visual Basic for Windows MCI.EXE MSJ: Media Control Interface MCIMPG.EXE MPEG Command Set for MCI MDIREST.EXE Save/Restore Window State Sample MDISTAT.EXE Status Bar in MDI Frame Window MDISUBCL.EXE Changing MDI Client Window Color MDIWINMN.EXE SAMPLE: Customizing MDI Window Menu MDLMDLS.EXE Combining Modal and Modeless Dialogs MDRK.EXE Multimedia Registration Packet MENUBMP.EXE Bitmaps in Menus Sample Code MENUTEMP.EXE Windows Menu Template Sample METAFILE.EXE Metafiles Discussion MFC_MIG.EXE MFC Migration Toolkit MFCTIPS.EXE MSJ: C++ Class Libraries for Windows MFCVBX.EXE MFCVBX Sample VBX Control Created with MFC MIDIIO.EXE Sample Code to Demonstrate MIDI Input/Output MIDISX.EXE App Demos MIDI System Exclusive Communication MKECR.EXE WNTDL: Panasonic CD-ROM MKEGROUP.EXE Using DDE to Create Progman Groups MLTMT.EXE Supplemental Multimate Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a MLTPLN.EXE Supplemental Multiplan Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a MMBACK.EXE Multimedia Personal Computing (Text) MMBACKWW.EXE Multimedia Personal Computing (WinW) MOUSHOOK.EXE Mouse Hook Sample Code MOVECC.EXE Drag and Drop for Custom Controls MOVELST.EXE SAMPLE: Drag and Drop List Box Items MSAJT110.EXE FILE: New Access Engine MSAJT110.DLL Available for VB 3.0 MSBB94OL.EXE Corrects Problem with COM port selection in Baseball Daily MSCOMM.EXE Updated MSCOMM.VBX Control for VB MSDNDEMO.EXE Microsoft Development Library Demo MSGBLAST.EXE MSGBLAST.VBX and Example Files MSGCOLOR.EXE SAMPLE: Changing Message Box Color MSGMODE.EXE Message Mode Services Sample Code MSHTML16.EXE Updated Mshtml16.dll for Internet Explorer 3.02a for Windows 3.1 MSPUB2.EXE Supp. Converter MS Publisher 2.0 MSREGMAN.EXE OLE Registration Management Util. MSSFS32.EXE Updated MSSFS32.EXE for MS Windows NT 3.5 MSWGCN.EXE Microsoft Network Client - Workgroup MTI.EXE Modules, Instances, and Tasks MULTFONT.EXE Choose Multiple Fonts Sample Code MULTICON.EXE Sample Demonstrates Dynamic Icons MULTIDLG.EXE SAMPLE: Dynamic Child Dialogs MULTINST.EXE Multiple Instance DLL Sample MULTLING.EXE OLE Automation Controller Sample MUSCROLL.EXE MicroScroll Custom Control MW1052.HQX Microsoft Word for the Macintosh Version 6.0 FastTip: Setup Performance and Optimization MW6SUP.HQX Supplemental File Converters for Microsoft Word for Macintosh 6.x MYFONT.EXE Create Custom Font with LINK NDKWIZ.EXE Latest Version of DKSETUP.PRG File NETBONES.EXE Sample for DDE Network Communication NETCON.EXE Connect Net Drive FileMan Extension NETSHAR.EXE NetShare Utility for Workgroup Add-On NETWORK.EXE Developing Windows 3.00 Network Apps NEWHEAP.EXE Heap Walker Update NEWMIB.EXE Two .MIB Files Missing from Win32 SDK NFLEX.EXE WINNT Compaq NetFlex Adapters NOCOM450.EXE NOCOM.OBJ for QuickBASIC 4.50 NOMMDLL.EXE App Detects Multimedia Extensions NOSWITCH.EXE Preventing Task Switch Sample NOTITLE.EXE Adding/Removing Window Caption NPCLNT.EXE WFW Named Pipe Client NSETUP.EXE MSSetup Reboot on User Request NTPERF.EXE MSJ: NT Performance Tuning NTSVEV.EXE MS Windows NT 3.5 Server Evaluation Guide NTWKEV.EXE MS Windows NT 3.5 Workstation Evaluation Guide NUDBWIN.EXE Modified DBWIN Sample Application OA94DOC.EXE OLE Automation '94 Documentation OCLIENT.EXE OLE Client Implementation Guide OCTK32.EXE Net Olicom Server TR EISA 2.0 ODBUTTON.EXE Owner-Draw 3-D Push Button ODKPR4.EXE MS Project 4.0 Files for ODK Encore ODLIST.EXE Owner-Draw WM_DRAWITEM Message ODLIST2.EXE Right Aligning Substring of Digits in Listbox ODVARLB.EXE Page-Down in an Owner-Draw List Box ODVHLB.EXE Owner-Draw Variable-Height List Box OKI24.EXE Win 3.1 WDL: PRINTER-Okidata 24 pin OLE20_3.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '93 ole20_3.exe ONETIME.EXE One Instance of an MFC Application OPENGL.EXE MSJ Source: Oct. 1994 opengl.exe OPENGL3.EXE MSJ Source: Feb. '95 OPENGL3.EXE ORA110.EXE SQORA.DLL Oracle ODBC Driver OSERVER.EXE OLE Server Implementation Guide OUTLNDRG.EXE VB Code Sample: from Outline to List OUTVBX.EXE Using MSOUTLIN.VBX with MFC OWL.EXE MSJ: OWL 2.0 Class Library OWNCOMBO.EXE Owner-Draw Combo Box Sample Code OX.EXE Redirect AUX I/O to Keyboard and Dis P139XX.EXE Proteon P139x Token Ring Adapter P189X.EXE Proteon P189x Token Ring Adapter P199X.EXE Proteon P199x Token Ring Adapter PALAWARE.EXE PALAWARE Sample & Technical Article PARENT.EXE Code to Change a Window's Parent PATH.EXE Environment Variable Parsing Example PATPOLY.EXE Demo Fills Polygon w/ Dithered Color PATRON.EXE OLE Client Sample Source Code PCD.EXE Supplemental Kodak Photo CD Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a PCIATDSK.EXE Windows NT 3.1 Upgrade for PCI IDE PCNET.EXE Net AMD PCnet ETH Family 1.99 PD0255.EXE Patch for MS-DOS 4.00/4.01 & 32 MB Files PD0315.EXE MS-DOS Backup/Restore Supplemental Utilities PD0321.EXE PD0321: Removing Non-DOS Partitions with Debug PD0415.EXE FIXSHIFT.COM for QBasic PD0455.EXE PD0455: ADAPTEC.SYS Driver PD0466.EXE How to Repartition with FDISK PD0470.EXE System Fails When Using EMM386 PD0488.EXE 8514 Video Driver for MS-DOS 5.0 Shell PD0489.EXE MS-DOS 5.0 Messages Reference PD0495.EXE PRINTFIX.COM for MS-DOS PD0646.EXE Updated CHKDSK.EXE and UNDELETE.EXE PD0744.TXT MS-DOS 6.0 General Installation Q&A PD0745.TXT MS-DOS 6.0 DoubleSpace Q&A PD0746.TXT MS-DOS 6.0 MemMaker Q&A PD0747.TXT MS-DOS 6.0 Configuration Q&A PD0748.TXT MS-DOS 6.0 Backup/Miscellaneous Q&A PD0771.EXE PD0771: Repartitioning a Hard Disk PD0805.EXE PD0805: SMARTDRIVE VERSION 4.2 PE.EXE MSJ: Portable Executable File Format PIC.EXE Supplemental Lotus 1-2-3 PIC Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a PICEMA.EXE Views Graphics Files, Saves in BSAVE PLAYCD.EXE Sample Application Plays CDs PLAYMETA.EXE Play Back Metafiles PLYCDNO.EXE Sample Code Plays CDs PLYVIDEO.EXE Sample Code Plays a Videodisc PMBASI.EXE Writing MS OS/2 Programs in BASIC PMDDEML.EXE Shell DDE Using DDEML PORTING.EXE Port 16-Bit Apps to Win NT PRIVDLG.EXE MFC Dialog with Custom Icon PRMANY.EXE Printing Multiple Topics from Viewer PRNCDLG.EXE Print Common Dialog Sample Code PRNDRV.EXE DeviceCapabilities Function Sample PROCHOOK.EXE ProcHook DLL PROTON.EXE DPMI Under Windows Sample Code PRTPREV.EXE VB Code Sample: Add Print Preview PRXEL.EXE SCSI Procom Xelerator ISA 3.10 PSHLP.EXE Windows 3.1 DDK PostScript Driver Sources PUBHELP.EXE Current Publisher Issues Help File PVTDLG.EXE Private Dialog Class Sample Code PW0519.EXE Virtual DMA Services Appnote PW0562.EXE Printer Compatibility Testing Appnote PW0740.EXE Common Dialogs Self-Study Module PW0775.EXE DIBs Self-Study Module PW0776.EXE MDI Self-Study Module PW0777.EXE Palettes Self-Study Module PW0778.EXE Printing Self-Study Module QB4CRIT.EXE CALL INTERRUPT Correction for QB 4.x QCARDS.EXE QuickBASIC 4.50 QCARDS.BAS Tutorial QLOGIC.EXE SCSI QLogic Fast!SCSI Family 3.10 QLPCI.EXE SCSI QLogic Fast!SCSI PCI 3.5 QSRTWIN.EXE QuickSort Example for Windows RANCHO.EXE SCSI Rancho RT1600-5 ISA 2.10 RAW.EXE Sending Raw Data to the Printer RCDATA.EXE Binary Data in Windows Resource File REMLINE.EXE Program to Remove Unused Line Nos. REPAINT.EXE Draw Ink with Appearance of Original REPMGR.EXE Report Manager Sample Code REPMKR.EXE Windows Code to Print Text Reports RESIZE.EXE RESIZE Sample Code to Resize Window by Jumps RESKIT.EXE Windows 3.1 Resource Kit Files RFXDTE.EXE RFX_Date() func for TIMESTAMP STRUCT RIGHTJUS.EXE Right Justify Number in List Box RING0.EXE MSJ Source: May 1993 ring0.exe RIPWATCH.EXE Trapping System RIPs & Other Msgs. ROEDIT.EXE Making an Edit Control Read-Only ROPOPUP.EXE Read-Only Popup with Shadow RUNME3.EXE Windows NT and Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 U.S. Service Pack 2 RUNME5.EXE Windows NT and Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 U.S. Service Pack 2 RUNWAIT.EXE SpawnAndWait DLL Service Library S31AM.EXE WNTDL: Sony 31A MIPS Driver SANKYO.EXE Sankyo SCSI Tape Driver SCHMOO.EXE OLE Server Sample Source Code SCLBLDLG.EXE Demos Scaleable Controls in Dialog SCROLDLG.EXE Scrolling Dialog Sample Code SDKBUGS.EXE Windows 3.1 SDK Bug/Fix List SEEKLST.EXE VB Code Sample: Seeking w/ Table Obj SERVDLL.EXE MSJ 6 Server DLLs with MFC & OWL SETKBD.EXE SETKBD Keyboard DLL Modification SETTLKIT.EXE Setup Toolkit Tutorial SETVOL.EXE Write Volume Labels from Win Apps SHAPES.EXE SHAPES Sample Program SHED.EXE SHED.EXE Version 3.50.784 SHOWMEM.EXE Creating Child with Menus SHUFFLE.EXE Using BitBlts to Shuffle on Screen SIMPAUTO.EXE Simple OLE Automation Object Sample SIMPLE.EXE SAMPLE: Simple OLE 2.0 Container SINGACD.EXE SINGACD Sample and Technical Article SMALLCAP.EXE SMALLCAP Sample Application SMART.EXE Using _fmalloc() Sample Program SMC16.EXE Net SMC EtherCard ETH Family 1.09 SMILE.EXE MSJ Source: Sep. 1994 smile.exe SNDPLAY.EXE SNDPLAY Sample Code Plays a Sound File SOUNDCLI.EXE Sample DDE Client Over Network SP3_31.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_32.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_33.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_34.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_35.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_36.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_37.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_38.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_39.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_51.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_52.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_53.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_54.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_55.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_56.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_57.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_58.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_59.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_5A.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SP3_5B.EXE U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT version 3.1 SPDSHEET.EXE Spreadsheet Sample Application SPHERE.EXE MSJ Source: Oct. 1994 sphere.exe SPINDIB.EXE SPINDIB Does 90-deg DIB Rotation SPLIT.EXE Sample: Replacing a View in a Splitter Window SPLITWIN.EXE Split Window Sample SPRITE.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '93 sprite.exe SPRITES.EXE SPRITES Sample and Technical Article SPSYMB.EXE Serv Pack 1 Windows NT Symbols SQLSMTS.EXE VB Code Sample: Using SQL from List SQLSTRES.EXE Sample DB-Lib Application for Windows NT SQLUPDT.EXE Old Version of SQLSRVR.DLL SQLWIN.EXE Small Windows DB-LIBRARY Application STATBAR.EXE Window Status Bar Sample Code STEPFRN.EXE MS-DOS Step-up Kit French version STEPGER.EXE MS-DOS Step-up Kit German version STEPPOR.EXE MS-DOS Step-up Portuguese version STEPSPA.EXE MS-DOS Step-up Kit Spanish version STKTRACE.EXE Sample App Produces Stack Trace STPHLP.EXE Setup Toolkit Tutorial and FAQ SUBAPP.EXE Appending Menu Items to Other Apps SUBFUNC.EXE Functions & Subroutines in MSSETUP SUBVBX.EXE Subclassing VBX Grid Control in MFC SUP621.EXE MS-DOS 6.21 Supplemental Disk SUP622.EXE MS-DOS 6.22 Supplemental Disk SUPERCLS.EXE Superclassing Sample Code SUPERMDI.EXE Superclass MDI Client Window Sample SW3DPRO.EXE SideWinder 3D Pro Files for Windows 3.x SYNCHRO.EXE MSJ Source: Feb. '95 SYNCRO.EXE SYSBIT.EXE System Bitmap Viewer Application TAB.EXE Modal/Modeless Dialog Sample Code TABDLG.EXE MSJ Source: Oct 1994 tabdlg.exe TABSTOPS.EXE Setting Tab Stops in a List Box TALK.EXE Share Global Memory TASKWIND.EXE MSJ 10: Windows and Tasks TBKNET.EXE TBKnet.exe TCTOK.EXE Net Thomas-Conrad TC404x TR Family 1.0 TECH01.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Getting Started in MS Access 2.0 TECH02.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Queries in MS Access 2.0 TECH03.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Forms in MS Access 2.0 TECH04.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Reports in MS Access 2.0 TECH05.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Macros in MS Access 2.0 TECH06.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Modules and Access Basic TECH07.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Multiuser Issues TECH08.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on OLE and DDE in MS Access 2.0 TECH09.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on ODBC Issues in MS Access 2.0 TECH10.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on MS Access 2.0 Security TECH11.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Advanced Topics in MS Access 2.0 TECH12.EXE ACC2: Tech*Ed 94 Sessions on Converting 1.x Databases to 2.0 TERMWAIT.EXE TERMWAIT Sample Application TEXT.EXE Sample: Text Output Using CScrollView TGA.EXE Supplemental Truevision Targa Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a THREADS2.EXE Sync Win32 Threads threads2.exe THUNK.EXE MSJ November 93 Win32s Universal Thunk TIMER2.EXE Timers and Timing in Windows TIMESMP.EXE High-Res Timing Services Sample TKXP16.EXE Intel 16-bit Token Ring Adapter TKXP32.EXE Intel 32-Bit Token Ring Server TOOLBAR.EXE TOOLBAR Sample Application TOOLBOX.EXE Tool Box Window Sample Code TOOLHELP.EXE Open Tools TOOLHELP DLL for Windows TOOLKIT.EXE OLE Toolkit for Developers TP750.EXE Windows NT Update for IBM ThinkPad TRAINEM.EXE Training Techniques for a Recognizer TRANSBLT.EXE TRANSBLT Sample & Technical Article TTPLOT.EXE Plotting TrueType Characters TTYCHIC.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '94 TTYCHIC.EXE TWINS.EXE RegisterWindowMessage to Communicate UIDEMOS2.EXE BASIC PDS UI Toolbox Mod. for OS/2 UNICODE.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '94 UNICODE.EXE UNLOADER.EXE Windows Application to Unload DLLs UPHELP.EXE Windows Help File Navigation USAWKS3B.EXE Works for Windows 3.0b Update for U.S. Versions USER32.EXE Update to USER32.DBG file on Win NT 3.51 CD VB3.EXE VB 3.0 Database Access, vb3.exe VBA.EXE MSJ: Application Interoperability VBAMAPI.EXE Files to Implement MAPI in VBApp Application VBAPI.EXE VB CDK VBAPI.LIB Without CodeView VBAXLHLP.EXE Visual Basic for Applications Help File for Microsoft Excel 5.0 or 7.0 VBCOBSQL.EXE VBCOBSQL - Sample Application VBCOMDEM.EXE Windows COM Port Example for VB 1.00 VBDIST.EXE MSJ: VB Distribution Disk vbdist.exe VBEXTDEV.EXE VB Code Sample: Call Printer Driver VBFILEIO.EXE VBFILEIO - Sample Application VBGRID.EXE Updated GRID.VBX Control for VB VBMCI.EXE Using MCI Commands in VB VBRUN100.EXE VBRUN100.DLL File VBRUN200.EXE VBRUN200.DLL File VBRUN300.EXE Updated VBRUN300.DLL File VBXC.EXE Sample: VBX Controls in Non-MFC Apps VC1501.EXE Visual C++ 1.5 Patch VC1DXF.EXE Increased File Handles Libs, VC++ and MS-DOS VC1LXF.EXE Increased File Handles Libs, VC++ and Win DLLs VC1WXF.EXE Increased File Handles Libs, VC++ and Win Apps VC20.EXE MSJ 7 Visual C++ 2.0 VC20CRTA.EXE Visual C++ 2.0 Run-Time Library Sources VC20CRTL.EXE Visual C++ 2.0 Run-Time Library Source Code VC20XF.EXE Increased File Libraries for Visual C++ 2.0 VCNTXF.EXE Increased File Libraries for Visual C++ 1.0 VDIALOG.EXE Sample I/O Serialization VxD VDS.EXE DMA in Windows 3.00 VERIFY.EXE Dialog Box Edit Control Verification VERSTAMP.EXE VERSTAMP Sample Application VFINTD.EXE Sample Windows Interrupt Capture VxD VFOOD.EXE A Basic Windows Virtual Device VHOTKEYD.EXE Hot Keys in Enhanced Mode Windows VIEW.EXE VIEW Sample Application VITD.EXE Accurate Windows Time VxD VLB.EXE VLB Sample and Technical Article VM.EXE Microsoft C/C++ Virtual Memory Run-Time Source Available VPOSTD.EXE Calling PostMessage() from a VxD VSWAP.EXE SAMPLE VSWAP: Demos Switching Views in SDI App VWFD.EXE Sample VxD Code VWRHOOK.EXE Viewer Hook DLL Sample VWRPLC.EXE Replacing a View in a CMDIChildWnd VXD1.EXE MSJ Source: February 1993 vxd1.exe W31FILUP.EXE Updated File Manager for Windows 3.1 and Post-Year-2000 Dates W32Q0295.EXE MSJ Source: Feb. '95 W32Q0295.EXE W32Q1294.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '94 W32Q1294.EXE WA0940.EXE Recommendations, Better Performance WAVLAN.EXE NCR WaveLAN AT & MCA Adapters WC1032.EXE Updated International Compliance Checker for Microsoft Office 4.2 or 4.3 for Windows WC1038.EXE Microsoft Office Manager 4.2c (U.S.) for Office 4.2 to Customize Menu WC1046.EXE AppNote: Creating Custom Installation Scripts for Microsoft Office for Windows, Versions 4.2 and WD0264.EXE Microsoft Word for Windows Version 2.x Template Fix for Word 6.0 WD0521.EXE Using the SEQ Field WD0522.EXE Using EQ Fields in Formulas in Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 1.x, 2.x WD0523.EXE WordBasic Macro Examples for Microsoft Word for Windows, Version 2.x WD0659.TXT Questions About Share.exe WD1025.EXE Supplemental Macros for Microsoft Word Version 6.0 for Windows WD1114.EXE List of Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Word for Windows Version 6.0 WE0820.EXE Generating Smooth Curves in Charts in Microsoft Excel 4.0 WE1009.EXE Updated MAPI-to-VIM Translation MAPIVIM.DLL for Use with Lotus cc:Mail and Microsoft Excel 5.0 fo WE1130.EXE Lotus 1-2-3 WK4 File Converter for Microsoft Excel 5.0 for Windows WE1136.EXE Pentium Floating Point Unit (FPU) Patch for Use with Microsoft Excel 4.0 or 5.0 for Windows WEXTMEM.EXE Windows DLL Reports Extended Memory WFW12.EXE Help file: Top articles for WFWG WFWDLC.EXE Microsoft DLC Protocol for WFWG 3.11 WFWFILUP.EXE Updated File Manager for WFW 3.11 and Post-Year-2000 Dates WFWPTP.EXE WFWG 3.11 PTP Server Update WFWTCP.EXE MS TCP/IP Protocol for WFWG 3.11 WFWVSRVR.EXE Updated VSERVER.386 File for WFW 3.11 WG0666.EXE WG0666: WFWG 3.10 Setup Information WG0667.EXE WG0667: Peer-to-Peer vs. Client-Server Networks WG0668.EXE WG0668: Mail/Schedule+ Help Files WG0670.EXE WG0670: The Intel SOFTSET Utility WG0673.EXE WG0673 (WFW 3.10): Novell NetWare Not Supported with ArcNet Adapter Cards WG0768.EXE WG0768: Banyan VINES 4.11 Support WG0772.EXE WG0772: Banyan VINES 5.00 Support WG0773.EXE WG0773: Banyan VINES 5.50 Support WG0788.TXT WG0788: Customizing WFWG 3.11 for Individuals w/ Disabilities WG0904.EXE WG0904: Support for Novell NetWare 4.0 WG0949.TXT WG0949: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Setup Information WG0970.EXE WG0970: VNETBIOS.386 Corrects Real-Mode Transport Problems WG0971.EXE WG0971: NDIS2SUP.386 Corrects Problems Restarting WFWG WG0973.EXE WG0973: RMM.D32 Corrects 5-Second Delay When Starting Applications WG0974.EXE WG0974: VKDA.386 Corrects Keyboard Problems WG0988.EXE WG0988: IBMTOK.386 Corrects Problems with Exiting WFWG WG0990.EXE WG0990: ELNK3.386 Corrects System Hangs (Non-802.3 Packets) WG0991.EXE WG0991: Updated NE2000.386 Allows WFWG to Start Correctly WG0992.EXE WG0992: Updated Files for Microsoft At Work PC FAX 1.0 WG1001.EXE WG1001: Updated SERIAL.386 Driver for Windows for Workgroups WG1002.EXE WG1002: SCHEDMSG.DLL Corrects French Headers WG1027.EXE WG1027: Updated NWLINK.386 Allows Routing Across Cisco Routers WG1049.EXE WG1049: Updated Files Stop Extra Page WG1126.EXE WG1126: Updated AWFAXIO.DLL Prevents System Hangs WG1129.EXE WG1129: Updated Files from the Windows NT Server 3.5 CD-ROM WIN31.EXE Windows Help File on Current Issues WIN31DSK.EXE Improving Windows 31 Disk Access WIN31QA2.EXE Windows 3.1 Top 10 Q & A WIN32OCT.EXE MSJ Source: Oct. 1994 win32oct.exe WIN32QA.EXE MSJ Source: August 94 Win32QA.exe WIN32SPY.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '94 WIN32SPY.EXE WINAPI.EXE WINAPI.TXT for VB for Windows WINAUX.EXE Redirect Debugging Output WINCPIC.EXE Win CPI-C API for 16- & 32-bit Win WINCSV.EXE Windows CSV API for 16 & 32-bit Win WINDBG.EXE CodeView 3.05 and Windows 3.1 WINDOS.EXE Windows INT 21H and NetBIOS Support WINFLOAT.EXE WINFLOAT Sample and Technical Articl WINHITS.EXE Help file for Windows 3.1 top issues WINLUA.EXE Windows LUA API for 16 & 32-bit Win WINMEM32.EXE Updated WINMEM32.DLL WINNET.EXE MSJ: Network Programming Interfaces WINQ&A.EXE MSJ August 94 WinQ&A.exe WINQ0295.EXE MSJ Source: Feb. '95 WINQ0295.EXE WINQ1094.EXE MSJ Source: Oct. 1994 winq1094.exe WINQ1194.EXE MSJ Source: Nov. 1994 winq1194.exe WINQA82.EXE MSJ Source: February 1993 winqa82.ex WINQA85.EXE MSJ Source: May 1993 winqa85.exe WINRES.EXE Extract Icons from Windows EXE Files WINSET2.EXE Windows-Basaed Application Installat WINSOCK.EXE Windows Sockets API Spec (ASCII .TXT WINSOCKW.EXE Windows Sockets API Spec (W4W .DOC) WIZCAT.EXE FoxPro 2.6a Patch File WKS3WN.EXE Supplemental Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows Version 6.0: Microsoft Works for Windows 3. WKSDOS.EXE Supplemental Microsoft Works for MS-DOS Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6 WKSWIN.EXE Supplemental Microsoft Works for Windows 2.0 Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6 WLL.EXE MSJ: Extend Word 6.0 with WLLs WMAPMODE.EXE Windows Mapping Mode Sample Code WMVCUP.EXE Updated Viewer Compiler for Word 6.0 Titles WNBDEMO.EXE NetBIOS Demonstration Code WORMHOLE.EXE MSJ Source: July 1993 wormhole.exe WP1013.EXE MS Proj 4.0: Complete Contents of VB Help File WP1043.EXE MS Proj 4.x: Constants for Project and VB WP1060.EXE WP1060: MS Project 4.0 Workgroup Message Handler WP1250.EXE MS Project 95 Workgroup Message Handler for Win 3.x WPFT4.EXE Supplemental WordPerfect Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a WQA1294.EXE MSJ Source: Dec '94 WQA1294.EXE WSSCANF.EXE Replacement sscanf() Function for DL WSTAR.EXE Supplemental WordStar Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Versions 6.0, 6.0a WW0314.EXE WW0314: Zenith Swapfile Application Note Available WW0335.EXE WW0335: Memory Management with Windows 3.0 and 3.1 WW0340.EXE WW0340: Microsoft Windows 3.0 & MACH 20 Accelerator Card WW0407.EXE WW0407: Using Remote Boot Workstations in 386 Enhanced Mode WW0440.EXE WW0440: The DrWatson and MSD Diagnostics WW0505.EXE WW0505: HP LaserJet III Printer Driver 30.3.86 WW0511.EXE WW0511: Panasonic 9-Pin Printer Drivers WW0512.EXE WW0512: Panasonic 24-Pin Printer Drivers WW0524.EXE Troubleshooting GP Faults (UAEs) WW0525.EXE WW0525: Troubleshooting 386 Enhanced Mode Problems WW0526.EXE WW0526: Windows Setup WW0527.EXE WW0527: New Features in Windows 3.1 WW0528.EXE WW0528: Application Note Discussing Fonts WW0530.EXE WW0530: SMARTDrive & 32-Bit Disk Access WW0532.EXE WW0532: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) WW0548.EXE WW0548: WIN87EM.DLL Patch for Intel 80387 WW0550.EXE WW0550: Running Windows with DR-DOS WW0553.EXE WW0553: Hewlett-Packard Plotter Driver WW0634.EXE WW0634: Updated LANMAN21.DRV File WW0653.EXE WW0653: Using Automated Setup: Setup /H WW0654.EXE WW0654: Windows 3.1 and Serial Communications WW0764.EXE WW0764: Updated SNDSYS.DRV for Single-Mode DMA Transfers WW0786.TXT WW0786: Customizing Win 3.0 for Individuals with Disabilities WW0787.TXT WW0787: Customizing Win 3.1/3.11 for Individ w/ Disabilities WW0863.EXE WW0863: Fixing System Hangs with MS-DOS Apps & Novell NetWare WW0981.EXE WW0981: WINDOWS(TM) 3.11 REFRESH FILES WW1000.EXE Updated VSHARE.386 for Windows WW1138.EXE Updated Calculator Accessory for Windows WW1140.EXE WW1140: Windows Solution for Faulty Pentium Floating-Point Unit WWCONV.EXE Additional text converters and graphics filters for Microsoft Word for Windows WWIN1.EXE Supplemental Microsoft Word for Windows, Version 1.x Converter for Microsoft Word for Windows, Ve XBS110.EXE New XBase IISAM Driver XBS110.DLL XCE10.EXE Net Xircom CreditCard ETH PCMCIA XE0800.EXE Most Frequently Asked Questions About Microsoft Excel 4.0 XE0962_W.EXE Equations for Financial Functions in Microsoft Excel 3.0 and 4.0 XLODBC.EXE Microsoft Excel 5.0c Xlodbc.xla and Xlodbc.dll Files XMS.EXE XMS 3.0 Specification XMSWIN.EXE TSR to Share XMS Memory Between VMs XPANDDLG.EXE Expanding Dialog Box Sample Code XPE2.EXE Net Xircom PE2 ETH PARPORT 3.10 XPE3.EXE Net Xircom PE3 ETH PARPORT 3.10 XTENACCL.EXE Accelerators for FM Extensions ZAP10.EXE ZAP.EXE Finds Duped DLLs and VBXs 2ff7e9595c


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